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rock crystal 【礦物】石英,水晶。

rock day

Crystal has been held in high esteem for centuries because of its mesmerizing transparency as when gazing into a crystal ball . it is the most common mineral in the world with rock crystal being the clearest form . crystals have been used in nearly all cultures to help heal , to protect wearers from harm , and to reach spiritual awareness 本款白水晶手環以18顆直徑為10mm的aa級圓珠白水晶串成,晶瑩剔透,幾無冰裂與云霧(請注意:任何天然水晶都有冰裂與云霧,完美無缺的水晶要么天價,要么就是人造石。

Rock crystal creates its own inner light when it rubbed briskly and the excitation of electrons produces rainbow flashes within its fractures . it is a lovely addition to any piece of jewelry ! crystal is a celebration stone for the third anniversary 白水晶在光線中產生持續穩定的震溫,所以對于使人頭腦清晰增強記憶力和理解力的功能,更是有著顯著的幫助,但是應避免放置于睡床附近,否則有失眠傾向。

Crystal has been held in high esteem for centuries because of its mesmerizing transparency as when gazing into a crystal ball . it is the most common mineral in the world with rock crystal being the clearest form 本款白水晶手環以24顆直徑為7mm的aa級64面白水晶串成,晶瑩剔透,幾無冰裂與云霧,每一面都折射出美麗的光澤。

Crystal has been held in high esteem for centuries because of its mesmerizing transparency as when gazing into a crystal ball . it is the most common mineral in the world with rock crystal being the clearest form 透明純凈的白水晶是大地神氣的贈禮之一,白水晶在整個水晶的群族來說,分布最廣,數量最多。

But now , quartz gems have begun to be appreciated for their own beauty and attributes . quartz comes in many different varieties including amethyst , citrine , rock crystal and many others 茶水晶大部分成六角柱體,跟其它的透明水晶一樣,里面有時會有冰裂云霧等等的內涵物。

He used rock crystal , topaz , citrine and aquamarine for the face and various materials for the base and embellishments 他也大量使用水井,黃玉,黃水晶和綠玉裝飾表面,同時用各種不同的金屬制造表身和其他裝飾部分。

Beautiful quartz , the rock crystal used in ancient times to make crystal balls and bowls , is today more often seen set in gold jewellery 在古代,人們用白水晶制成水晶球和碗,今日,白水晶則是常用在黃金飾品上。

Rock crystal creates its own inner light when it rubbed briskly and the excitation of electrons produces rainbow flashes within its fractures 白水晶在所有水晶種類中,磁場能量最平穩最純粹,是所有色彩

When the charge changes the tourmaline begins to oscillate , similar to a rock crystal but much more pronouncedly 產生變化,在放電過程中正負極會互換,所以它呈現如同水晶石般的震動,但卻更強大。

It is the most common mineral in the world with rock crystal being the clearest form 一般來說,白水晶就是石英,只是從我們的觀點來看,把不透明的叫做石英,而透明的成為白水晶。

Many stunning art deco jewellery designs featured the black and white quartz combination of rock crystal and onyx 許多裝飾藝術時期的珠寶運用黑白結合的設計:白水晶和黑玉髓

Quartz comes in many different varieties including amethyst , citrine , rock crystal and many others 茶水晶smoky quartz brown quartz又稱煙水晶墨晶,有放射性,能量隱重。

Serving unique fit - keeping physiotherapy , including rock crystal pool , rock crystal tea , rock crystal massage 推出獨特的水晶沐浴水晶香茶水晶推拿為系列的水晶保健理療。

Rutilated quartz is transparent rock crystal with golden needles of rutile arrayed in patterns inside it 發晶是晶底為白水晶或茶晶,而內包金光閃閃的針狀礦物包體。

Long ago , people believed that rock crystal was a compact form of ice : in fact crystallos means ice 很久以前,人們認為白水晶是由冰構成的:使結晶的實際含義就是

Scrying is divination of distant or future events based on visions seen in a ball of rock crystal 用水晶球占卜是遙遠或未來事件基于在無色水晶球虛擬可見的預言。

Onyx was often used as the perfect foil for carved rock crystal or the drop dead red of rubies in art deco designs 雕刻為極藝術感的造型,其優質的黑色將白色的

Sparkling splendours : the art of ancient chinese carvings on rock crystal and agate the taoshi zhai collection 2000 《絢麗晶瑩淘石所藏中國古代水晶瑪瑙器》

Rock crystal has often been used in jewellery , particularly carved pieces 白水晶也常使用在珠寶飾品,尤其是雕刻品。